What’s Your Temperature? The average body temperature for humans is widely acknowledged to be 98.6°F (37°C). When do we actually take our temperature? These days it is quite common and often mandatory for employees to have their temperature taken when entering employer premises. Enter a clinic and receptionists have us fill out a form concerning […]

No Time For Despair-Just Hope
A pandemic is upon us, an invisible enemy of all people. This is no time for despair but a time for hope and action. After ten months of writer’s block and a feeling that my message might not carry personal value; I dropped the pretense with the idea that now anything could help many. The following is essential to defeating […]

Transition In Our Personal & Business Lives
“My life is changing, I’m in job transition, I’m at a crossroad, or I’m uncertain about what path I should be on.” Welcome to the circus of life where predictability and fulfillment is anything but. I have experienced all of the above; my mission today is to allay your fears while confronting the reality of unique […]

The Rise & Fall of Parenting
As a boomer I was fortunate enough to have two loving parents who stayed together through thick and thin. Our nuclear family was strong and values driven. Thanks to Mom and Dad I was quickly indoctrinated into proper grammar and use of the English language. More importantly, they emphasized being polite and having manners. Respect, […]

Find Your Purpose Now
It’s time to find your purpose if you are asking who am I and what am I doing? The self-awareness and the discipline to keep exploring this question is the key first step in wrapping your head and soul around finding one’s purpose. Unless you are Joan of Arc, who experienced visions from three Saints at the age […]
Ethics & Conduct Begin With Parents
Our children are either taught ethics and proper conduct or they aren’t. The magic formula for this must come from parents who are united philosophically, pragmatically, and enforce what they value. I have always loved sports and kids. As such, years ago I decided to officiate a number of youth sports. Recently I was a referee for […]

So what? The Value For Me Is?
One of the most difficult challenges in our personal and business lives is communicating value. There is an art to providing value; it is learned behavior that focuses on others, their needs, and is worth something to them. All too often in today’s business environment there is a presumption of value. Making an assumption like this is slippery […]

Advice Is a Greasy Slope
How many times in a week is some advice directed at you? There is something inexplicable about humans; DNA that compels them to constantly offer opinions structured as questions. When it comes to advice no interrogative word is more common than why. Is there any value to advice that typically costs nothing and promises so much benefit? It depends on the […]

Why Momentum Really Matters
Few things are more important in life than momentum. Its significance is often misunderstood and surely understated; yet essential to achieving personal and business success that is purposeful. Momentum is derived from the Latin word movere meaning to move. It is the”impetus and driving force gained by the development of a process or course of […]

Finding Our Ethical Keys
The way to a purposeful and happy life is finding the proper ethical keys. More meaningful doors are opened to us when are ethical keys are visible and consistently in daily play. Where do our ethical keys come from? They come from our moral compasses that drive daily actions and decision making. It’s not hard to look around and spot individuals […]
Definition of Ethics-Need for Personal Ethics December 20, 2011
Business Ethics And Bribes-Alive And Well August 15, 2011
What Are the Differences Between Compliance and Ethics? September 4, 2012
The Value of Ethical Training in Companies September 8, 2011
Organizations & Their Ethical Reporting Systems May 21, 2013
The State of the State Message: America’s Ethical Report Card February 24, 2014
Ethics and Governing Dynamics February 8, 2017
What’s Your Temperature October 11, 2021
No Time For Despair-Just Hope March 23, 2020
Transition In Our Personal & Business Lives June 28, 2019
The Rise & Fall of Parenting March 11, 2019
Find Your Purpose Now January 29, 2019
- Ethics & Conduct Begin With Parents December 17, 2018
So what? The Value For Me Is? October 18, 2018
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