Purposeful life

Find Your Purpose Now

It’s time to find your purpose if you are asking who am I and what am I doing?

The self-awareness and the discipline to keep exploring this question is the key first step in wrapping your head and soul around finding one’s purpose.

Unless you are Joan of Arc, who experienced visions from three Saints at the age of thirteen, consider yourself in the majority group of humans who have struggled with identifying what their purpose and meaning is.

I’m going to submit that it is indeed a rare event when purpose arrives by way of a lightning bolt. My friends, the discovery of purpose is typically a process of simply living.

As this author knows and has amply experienced, there is nothing easy about living.

You see, living is largely acts of doing. We eat, we sleep, we work, we read, we interact, we think, we fret, we stress, and we just do stuff.

What does all of this stuff mean and is it fulfilling or not?

That is the magic question and why we all need to find our purpose now.

Get a legal pad out and write a purpose statement. Think about who you are, what are you doing, and what/who do you truly value.

This critical exercise will help you formulate your purpose; the working foundation of our moral compasses.

My friends please remember this: respect, consideration, and courtesy matter a lot. Treat others fairly, decently, and equally.

Build your moral compasses carefully and always monitor them daily.

You know the battle cry: do your best each day. No one can ask more or less from any of us.

All the best/blessings, Mark

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