No Time For Despair-Just Hope

A pandemic is upon us, an invisible enemy of all people. This is no time for despair but a time for hope and action.

After ten months of writer’s block and a feeling that my message might not carry personal value; I dropped the pretense with the idea that now anything could help many.

The following is essential to defeating this growing threat:

1) Be accountable and responsible for washing hands and wiping down surfaces.

2) If you are sick, not feeling well, or just not quite right, stay home and rest. Others are counting on you to be sensible and do the right thing. This is no time for self heroics.

3) Create value in your workplace and be highly flexible. As some employers are temporarily shutdown or have reduced workers, the ability to see opportunity via new roles or alternative work hours becomes more valuable.

4) Our attitudes build the anecdote to crushing despair. Take action and remember what Winston Churchill said, “Keep buggering on.”

5) Pay it forward by helping others who have less and or need assistance. This is helps stem despair and provides hope.

6) Don’t give up or give in to the invisible enemy. We can collectively triumph by working together fulfilling our best potential as humans.

My friends please remember this: respect, consideration, and courtesy matter a lot. Treat others fairly, decently, and equally.

Build your moral compasses carefully and always monitor them daily.

You know the battle cry: do your best each day. No one can ask more or less from any of us.

All the best/blessings, Mark

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