I participated in a recent global discussion on business ethics to answer a hypothetical question: Would you or your company pay a bribe to do work in another country if this were the industry norm? How would this affect your company’s ethic code? This was my take and specific response…. it is my view that […]
![Personal & Business Ethics iStock_000015505309XSmall[1]](https://mpvethics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/iStock_000015505309XSmall1-125x125.jpg)
Personal & Business Ethics
A suburban Rotary Club in Minneapolis invited me to speak on personal and Business Ethics. Check out these stats. 1) According to the Education Testing Service in a survey of 12,000 high school students, 74% admitted to cheating to get ahead. 2) 55% of these students didn’t see a problem with cheating as others were doing […]

The Business Ethics of Politicians
When will our politicians finally act ethically and demonstrate good Business Ethics? How much contempt for the truth can they continue to exhibit and flaunt the voters of this country? Their poor behavior and lack of Business Ethics needs to stop immediately. What a horrible signal to send to us, our children included, and the […]
![Simple Thoughts in Business Ethics High-School-Student-1[1]](https://mpvethics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/High-School-Student-11-125x125.jpg)
Simple Thoughts in Business Ethics
Yesterday was the greatest……. presented to 160 high school students at St. John’s University located about sixty miles northwest of Minneapolis. It was all about simple thoughts in Business Ethics. Minnesota Business Venture is a week-long residential summer enrichment program that brings high school students and business professionals together from across the state to spend […]
![Business Ethics/News Corporation Scandal iStock_000016773501XSmall[1]](https://mpvethics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/iStock_000016773501XSmall1-125x125.jpg)
Business Ethics/News Corporation Scandal
Man alive, can our Business Ethics get any worse? When is the last time you can remember either a government leader or a business leader taking full responsibility for a problem, apologizing for the problem, fully dissecting and discussing the problem, and then laying out a plan to fix it? It is literally the equivalent […]
![Lessons Learned From Ethical Lapses- Business Ethics iStock_000008196155XSmall[1]](https://mpvethics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/iStock_000008196155XSmall1-125x125.jpg)
Lessons Learned From Ethical Lapses- Business Ethics
I would like to share with you some of my lessons learned from ethical lapses in a recent speech given to over three hundred financial professionals in Minneapolis. Personal ethics and business ethics are tied together. Co-presenting with me was Hank Shea, a former Federal Prosecutor for twenty years in Minneapolis who now teaches at […]
![Principles, Morals & Values- Business Ethics iStock_000000323479XSmall[1]](https://mpvethics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/iStock_000000323479XSmall11-125x125.jpg)
Principles, Morals & Values- Business Ethics
Pick up your newspaper and turn to the business or the local news sections. Seems like you’ll find business ethics and formal indictment charges against someone. Are you kidding me? Just yesterday I found three examples of this: First example– local business man avoids paying sales tax for two consecutive years running. Second example– two […]
Definition of Ethics-Need for Personal Ethics December 20, 2011
Business Ethics And Bribes-Alive And Well August 15, 2011
What Are the Differences Between Compliance and Ethics? September 4, 2012
The Value of Ethical Training in Companies September 8, 2011
Organizations & Their Ethical Reporting Systems May 21, 2013
The State of the State Message: America’s Ethical Report Card February 24, 2014
Ethics and Governing Dynamics February 8, 2017
What’s Your Temperature October 11, 2021
No Time For Despair-Just Hope March 23, 2020
Transition In Our Personal & Business Lives June 28, 2019
The Rise & Fall of Parenting March 11, 2019
Find Your Purpose Now January 29, 2019
- Ethics & Conduct Begin With Parents December 17, 2018
So what? The Value For Me Is? October 18, 2018
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