What Does It Take To Change The Essence Of Who We Are? Personal Ethics

What does it take to change the essence of who we are as human beings? Is personal ethics the key to this question?

I have said many times before that business ethics is a myth without personal ethics transcending it.

The content of our personal ethics certainly at a minimum needs to be our morals, principles, and values that discern between right and wrong. They are the building blocks to our foundations that aim to be fair, honest, and just.

Discovering the inner chambers of the soul and heart is a journey that takes time representing our very essence. Who can imagine how long the road to life and personal ethics is?

Speaking for myself, my life’s journey continues exploring the depths of possibilities. We have more than the road to look forward to; we have eternity to embrace it doing our best.

I have experienced first hand how powerful ambition, greed, arrogance, and putting my own interests first can be via committing white collar offenses.

We have to find a way as humans responsible for own behavior not at the expense of others, to avoid what some may argue is partly genetic (we generally look out for ourselves first) and partly societal/learned behavior.

Developing an internal compass based on morals, principles, and values is a tremendous start for anyone and essential for all flawed humans. They are truly the building blocks to personal ethics.

Practice makes perfect and worrying about yesterday or tomorrow is a waste of time.

Shortcuts are not allowed, and the consequences of them as I found out were not the clear benefits I perceived at the time.

Do your best every day and striving to do the right thing is a 24 hour exercise and regiment.


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