Personal Ethics & The Reflections of Quality Leaders

Personal ethics: The basic principles and values that govern interactions among  individuals.

For those of us who have been leaders in business or otherwise, it is essential that we understand our personal ethics and what our job is.

Very simply stated, it is to teach, enrich, and develop others to be successful.

It can’t be any clearer than that, although admittedly, it is realistically more difficult to execute in our lives. I believe the following are essential for any leader to be effective:

1) Ownership of problems- step up to the plate and be accountable.

2) Don’t finger point and blame others for your problems. Point any one or all ten fingers at your tummies first before throwing someone else under the bus.

3) Be transparent & approachable. We all have flaws and it is okay to show them. Quality leaders define who they are by communicating their personal ethics and purpose.

4) Honesty and integrity build the foundation of our moral fiber and compass. Quality leaders know the importance of being consistent and always trying to do the right things.

5) Take a sincere interest in others that is selfless and genuine.

Not all of us can be quality leaders.

I would challenge all of us to not put our interests first that would be considered unfair, unequal, and self-serving. Our personal ethics provide us with a defense system that can fight moral rot.

We all have the some ability to inspire others and lead by example.

Small deeds are more important than larger ones and can make a difference in how we cultivate relationships with one another.                                                                                                                                                                   

Define your personal ethics and do your best every day.

Reflect daily and measure your progress. Humans have the ability to self-correct if they have the proper immune system in place based on strong personal ethics.

Lastly, remember that in doing our best each day, no one can expect more or less from any of us.

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